Between 8:00 and 9:00, I wake up naturally to either construction noises from the apartment below or to Grandma cooking and rattling pots in the kitchen. I have finally adjusted to Uruguayan time, so waking up between 8 or 9 is leisurely and comfortable. Immediately, I migrate to the kitchen where Grandma is always cooking the meal for the day. I dance around Grandma in the small kitchen to boil water for my instant coffee and cut a few slices off of the loaf of bread for my daily breakfast of bread and fig marmalade. Each morning Grandma walks to the grocery store 1.5 blocks away to buy our fresh bread and whatever meats and veggies she needs for the daily meal. If I use yesterday’s bread for my breakfast, she scolds me for not eating today’s fresh bread. She loves me :) I love eating my breakfast and watching Grandma cook; she is a master in the kitchen.
After breakfast, I generally find myself in the living room doing the following: journaling, knitting, reading, homework and spending time with Jesus. I love the slower start of Uruguayan mornings. So far my earliest class begins at 13:30 (Uruguay uses the 24 hour clock) and I’m usually able to leave the university at 18:00.
This week was the first week of classes. After almost 3 months of vacation, I feel as if I’m readjusting to classes quite well. I’m taking a full course load while I’m here, but I’m able to understand all of the professors so I’m sure I will be fine. My courses, renamed in English, include Spanish language, Historical Process of Uruguay, Uruguayan Culture, Uruguayan Literature, Alternative Sports and lastly I’ll be volunteering/doing community service work.
After classes, Greg and I usually walk back to the apartment, hungry and tired. This week the evenings began with a snack and a nap, with dinner not eaten until 9:00 or 10:00.
I ate this for dinner tonight. It is an eggplant cut in half, then stuff/topped with meat and melted cheese. Delectable! My love for eggplant is growing!
Eggplant is the world's most perfect food! I'm so happy that you're learning to lurve it more.