In recent news, I’ve added a fourth quilt to my bed—without it I am cold. Whenever I’m in the apartment, I find that I’m magnetically drawn to my bed. It is one of the few places that I can truly be comfortably warm. Even though this doesn’t sound too fun, I’m doing fine and adjusting to the humid cold. And while classmates and locals alike are falling prey to the flu and weather-related illnesses, I’m determined to elude both. We shall see how I hold up when winter arrives.
The time is passing oh so quickly and I simply cannot believe that it is the second week of June. I have only 2 more weeks of classes, one additional week of finals and then my semester in Uruguay will be complete. The next three weeks will be challenging as I study for finals, prepare several culminating presentations and continue with all my strength to improve my speaking abilities.
Since I’ve last written, my apologies for the break, several exciting things have happened. Well more than several, but I will only share a few. Instead of traveling extraordinary places I’ve been spending more time in Montevideo and I love it. I love that I can explore new places and still know the city well enough to not get lost. I like that there are individual stores for your every need (meat store, fruit market, yarn store, bakery). I’m learning how to make Grandpa laugh. I like that I only eat freshly baked bread. I enjoy bundling up in June. I like being an adult. I like talking about Jesus. I like when it is just my Uruguayan friends and I, drinking mate and talking late into the evening. I like eating dinner at 11pm or later.
My friendships are becoming stronger.
I turned 21.
My friend Leticia and I are teaching a 4-week English conversation class.
I met my niece Lydia via Skype!
I learned how to play handball and kicked butt.
I rode my friend Maycol’s motorcycle.
I attended a 15th century organ music concert.
I make new friends often.
Some recent photos...
Juan and Maycol, two of my friends from Cru, helped me teach my friend Erika to ride motorcycle for her 21st birthday. I was the photographer and helped with the explanations, Maycol was the real teacher and Juan was the entertainment.
My new red shoes
This is what today looked like in Montevideo. I snapped this picture on my walk home from the university.

The neighborhood dog walker. He doesn't mess around.

The United Nations Buddy Bears are currently installed in Montevideo
Uruguayan bear and I